Irrespective of whether you are a sole trader, an owner manager, a PAYE worker or a company director taxation plays a large part in your professional life. At K J Nolan & Co we assess your tax position and use our experience to ensure that your liability is mitigated according to your circumstances.
We Make Your Business Our Business | Our Vision Your Reward

Tax Compliance
Alleviating Stress
In conjunction with our clients, or on an outsourcing basis, we manage the preparation and submission of returns under the following tax heads:
Employers PAYE
Value Added Tax
Corporation Tax
Capital Acquisitions Tax
Capital Gains Tax
Income Tax
Relevant Contracts Tax

Tax Planning
Maximising Growth
Over the years we have been involved in a number of strategic planning assignments requiring a broad knowledge of the Irish tax system leading clients to save large sums of money through efficient planning.
In particular we have found that VAT and property related transactions can lead to generation of significant contingent liability if not structured correctly from the outset.

Revenue Audit
Saving You Money
As well as guiding our own clients successfully through Revenue Audits, we have on occasion also been appointed by external clients to assist them with a Revenue Audit.
We understand the stresses and strains associated with an in-depth review of your business and possibly personal affairs and will use our knowledge and experience to ensure that any liability arising from same is mitigated as far as possible.